First, allow me to remark what a fool I have been. I honestly thought that Putin was a characteristically and morally strong leader. I admired how the fascists and hothouse lilies that are destroying America and the West are kept at bay in Russia–a country where men are men, women are women, marriage is only between a man and a woman, and patriotism is good. More than that, I liked how he gave leftist American radicals a run for their money. I had not known that he was trying to rebuild the Soviet Union, the Russian Empire, or whatever. Therefore, I retract every positive thing I have ever said about this bear-raping punk. Forgive my rawness.

Ukraine has suffered from the oppression of Russia for many generations. Ukraine, as well as the non-Germanic nations of Central Europe, have found themselves split apart constantly by empires–with Russia being the most constant aggressor. During these terrible times, the Russians dictated their language and religion with one hand, and gave it friendly endearments with the other, calling them Little Russia and asserting the two are brothers. Whenever Ukraine tries to be independent, Russia intervenes.

Now, Russia is oppressing Ukraine once again under Vladimir the Mad. Ukraine was not a threat to Russia, and Ukraine did nothing to directly provoke Russia, especially since Ukraine can easily testify to the power of Russia. Still, Putin, who does not recognize Ukraine’s right to exist, makes false claims against Ukraine. First, he said that Ukrainian government has been persecuting the Russian separatists of Donbas who called themselves declaring their freedom. That is why he first invaded Ukraine with “peacekeepers” before declaring war and executing a full-fledged attack. Then, he accused Ukraine of being filled with neo-Nazis. Let’s set the record straight; most European countries, east and west, have their share of neo-Nazis, especially Russia. In fact, there were times when neo-Nazi hate crimes and terrorism were commonplace in Russia. Second, how the bloody heck can the Ukrainian government be controlled by neo-Nazis? If Vladimir the Mad knows everything, surely he realizes that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, my newest hero, is a Jew. Not only can he not be a neo-Nazi, but his people are their main target. Third, if Vladimir the Mad wants to approach a neo-Nazi, he should look in the mirror since his tactics are the same as were used in Nazi Germany.

While it’s great that the US and NATO are sending funding and weapons to Ukraine, as well as sanctions against Russia and its puppet, Belarus, this is not enough. Vladimir is, after all experiencing a severe case of hitleritis. While Ukraine is doing an excellent job, with the help of God and the world’s prayers, to defend their nation, causing them thousands of casualties, it is not impossible for Russia to conquer Kyiv and much of Ukraine. This was Mad Vlad’s plan was all along, in order to stop them from joining NATO. Zelenskyy, who will not retreat, has stated that the real obstacle his soldiers face are in the air and not on the ground.

For not sanctioning Russia soon enough and for playing the fiddle while Ukraine burns, the least NATO and all powerful nations could do is take a more active role in defending itself. Yes, I mean enter Ukraine and attack Russians. This is especially important for their neighbors, for Europe, and its benefactors. After all, if Russia can conquer Ukraine, they will not stop there. Poland will be next. Then Slovakia. Then, when you think he only cared about the Slavic countries, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Greece, and many others will be attacked. We must not forget Hitler’s actions. First, he wanted to reclaim territories Germany lost in the war, such as Rhineland and Sudetenland, and Western Poland. Then, he was dead set on conquering Europe. We MUST learn from history. Mad Vlad has already gone too far; we must stop him from going any further.

But, that is not all we should do. We should also return the Crimea to Ukraine and capture the Kaliningrad oblast of Russia–the small strip of land north of Poland. Either make it an international territory or annex it to Poland.

But, that is not all we should do. As punishment for their treachery, Ukraine should arrest the ringleaders of the separatists in Donbas and Crimea, charging them with high treason, giving them the harshest sentences possible. For the other Russians in these regions and throughout Ukraine, Ukrainian leaders, upon liberation (God willing) should expel every single Russian from Ukrainian land. This is what Central and Eastern European countries did to its German populations at the end of World War II–especially because the Germans in these countries, the Volksdeutscheren, aided the Wehrmacht, the SS, and the Einsatzgruppen in their atrocities against their host countries. Since they preferred German government, these countries obliged them. The same should be done to the Russians in Ukraine. The only exceptions should be for those who fought for Ukraine, Russian orphans, and those too sick to move. After all, it was the Russians in Ukraine who emboldened Mad Vlad to invade. As long as there are Russians in Ukraine, especially in the aforesaid regions, there will always be a threat to Ukrainian security.

But–that is not all we should do. If we can get the cooperation of enough world powers, we should attack Russia itself from its weakest points and splinter its territories as punishment for their generations of bullying their neighbors. Russia may present itself as a big bully, but even the biggest bullies can be brought down with the cooperation of many. This is the only way we can save Europe and the World. It saddens me to even suggest this because I have considered myself to be a Russophile. Yes, I have always loved Russian culture, tea, and language. It also saddens me that the Russian people must suffer for the actions of their leaders. While the older Russians and the indoctrinated russbots may support the invasion, thousands have put aside their fear of the regime to protest the war. They stopped believing in “fake news”, and they know what their actions will mean for them: hatred from the world and increased poverty from the sanctions and blockages to world banks. If they can overthrow Putin, delivery him and his cronies to justice, and make reparations to the Ukrainian people, only then should they be spared any attacks or invasions.

If you have not done so, please read my poem about this situation, and then be upstanding for the Ukrainian anthem.–by-Jali-the-Bard